Saturday, October 8, 2011

Kenape kena puasa before Surgery?

Actually, this kinda cool man... Ak nk menyampaikan jer.. (x taw la tepat ke x penerangan ak ni..).. Sebenarnya tadi mase kelas Fisiology,  Dr. Kim ni mmg ajar kitorang.. Tajuk dye Nerve responds je.. Action Potential and Membrane Potential je (lain tau!).. Then dye ckp pasal anaesthesia (ubat Bius)..Then muncul la.. anaesthesia ad 2 yg common Local anaesthesia and General anaesthesia (GA).. local ni utk certain kwsan je.. contoh kalo sakit gigi, kt situ je kebas... kalo General plak.. whole body, no impulse going up and no impulse going down.. (latest Spinal anaesthesia) tu pelik skit.. (tp skang ramai prefer Spinal).. 
Ok ni berkaitan GA, doktor slalu ak soh berpuasa no minum pon, no gula2 cm betol2 puasa... Hal ini kerana, semasa pembedahan dijalankan, kita x leh kawal semua otot, sbb semua dh bius, then bahaya, sebab anything sweet (for example u eat candy before surgery), our stomach will produce gastric juice (which is highly acidic).. then, kan kita ak dua laluan trakea (utk bernafas) ngan oesophagus (utk food).. Then kemungkinan gastrik juice tu akan flow ke trakea and masuk dlm Paru2 (na u zubillah) Can u imagine kalo curah acid ke buih sabun.. (dlm paru2 ad alveolus utk bernafas *SGT PENTING)... Kalo makanan pon x hadap lagi masok kt paru2.. habis x leh bernafas and bakteria membiak.. ish3.. payah... 

Tu yg dgr kes tu mati after surgery, (padahal mmg surgery tu berjaya).. Tu, jangan main2.. puasa sekejap je pon.. utk kebaikan... Ikut Nasihat org yang lebih pakar.. Ish3.. (Doktor tu mmg cam semangat skit).. Inspired la... Ikut tau nasihat doktor.. Everything comes with reason... Sama2 lah ambil ikhtibar..

Friday, October 7, 2011

UM 2++ Weeks

Actually mmg nk tulis hari2 yg berlaku kt UM ni (tapi mmg busy memanjang).. Huh.. Utk pengetahuan semua ak kat UM di ditempatkan di Villa Tuanku Bahiyah (KK2).. Tuanku Bahiyah ni merupakan Canselor WANITA UM yang pertama tau!! Bangga... And my roomate is abg senior 4th and 3rd year of Engineering.. (mmg bnyk boleh blaja dr dorang).. And my fakulti is Engineering Faculty yg hanya lah 3 minit dari Villa ku... Mmg untung Alhamdulillah~~~~
UM please be kind to this boy...

Firstly mase masok mmg ~So Lonely~.. Byangkan no orientation.. and kene carik mane dewan, mane toilet, mane pejabat dekan, itu ini... SESORANG,,, huhu.. akhirnya dpt gak jumpe dgn pertanyaan pelajar2 UM yg berbudi pekerti... As usual, mmg kelas x bnyk... hari selasa kekadang no kelas... and kelas x stress sgt, cuma terkilan That I have to learn PHYSICK... ooo.. mmg dh dua taun x blaja tetibe kau muncul lagi.. fuhh.. harap2 bleh catch up sikit... Math.. fuh.. igtkan mase matrik dulu je azab,.. mmg kt UM ni pon ad gak.. Layan jer *ko jgn main2 lagi tau!..
Bio (jgn jeles) hahaha

Dr. Belinda Murphy
(sgt baik)
Lecturer ak Mr. Avi (bkn nama sebenar hahaha).. ak rase dye mmg bkn org Malaysia al.. dye from India.. sipa buat kelas gnti lagi sbb mse deepavali nnti dye cuti lama skit... hahah.. Pronouncation dya lawak la... smpi kwn ak ckp ad subtitle x? Hahaha... Okay mari kita kaji.. M = "Yem", L= "Yell", (dh lupa dh lagi) hahaha.. and my coursemate is all orite and I hope I can Cope Well with u Guys... Lecture mmg semua okay.. inspired BY Dr. Belinda Murphy and Dr. Bharti (Lecturer BioChemistry and Anatomy respectively) Fav. Subject!!..

And ak igt kata2 budak SAMURA dulu kalo rase masa tu bjalan lambat maknenya hidup ko x fun.. So ak mmg busy kan hidup ak, masuk pertandingan.. Ak masuk Squash, Tarian (cm matrik), and Nyanyian Lagu Inggeris (to see how Far I Can Go).. Ingat nnti mse audition nk nyanyi lagu "Take Me Or Leave Me" Inspired Glee.. Hahaha.. Tp mase ak tulis nama ak kt List tu, mmg ak paling atas (first one la).. *Feel like Rachel Berry mmg nk letak star.. cm over lak.. kui3..

Mampu ke nyanyi lagu ni? Huh Believe It Ok!!
Kt sini mmg environtment tok studi la.. Bilik? No no no.. dh la internet laju.. mmg online jer.. ish3... Slalu joging ngan Danial (future Doktor aminn...)... *increase ur stamina ye doctor and punctuality is REALLY important... Ari tu ramai artis dtg wat show VIP la (eww).. Najwa Latif, Ana FArali (hahaha Tau la! Saje je).. Ntah, ak x pegi.. tolong la..  Kalo Mariah Carey ke x  pe la.. *mampu?!! hhaha.. 
Thanx Akak.. XOXOXOXO

Well I really hope that UM is really something to me.. Maybe im too early to judge.. But soo far it quite OK.. And the bad things, let me keep it and only tell ALLAH..